Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:CLIO-OPEN; Base:10; Lowercase:T; Syntax:Common-Lisp -*-
;;; |
;;; P.O. BOX 149149 |
;;; AUSTIN, TEXAS 78714 |
;;; |
;;; Copyright (C) 1989, 1990 Texas Instruments Incorporated. |
;;; |
;;; Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify, and |
;;; distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and permission |
;;; notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting documentation. |
;;; |
;;; Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software "as is" without express or |
;;; implied warranty. |
;;; |
;;; Implementation Strategy:
;;; A confirm is invoked by a originating contact (near). A triangular shadow originating
;;; from the "near" contact is drawn into the root with a given quadrant gravity, which
;;; is dependent on the position of the originating contact. After a response is given
;;; to confirm the area overshadowed by the confirm's shadow is refreshed over two rectangular
;;; areas covering the overshadowed area. The sensitivity of the originating contact is turned
;;; off when a confirm is invoked and turned back on when confirm receives a response.
(in-package "CLIO-OPEN")
(export '(
;; OL GUI spec for the apex of the confirm, scale-dependent distance from the originating contact)
(defconstant *confirm-apex-dimensions* (list :small 36 :medium 42 :large 50 :extra-large 64))
(defconstant *confirm-shadow-images*
:north-west (list :upper 12%gray :lower 25%gray)
:north-east (list :upper 12%gray :lower 25%gray)
:south-west (list :upper 25%gray :lower 50%gray)
:south-east (list :upper 25%gray :lower 50%gray)
;; Confirm scale is one scale larger than near's scale
(defconstant *scales* '(:small :medium :large :extra-large :extra-large))
;;; Utility Functions +
;;; +
(defun quadrant-gravity (x y root)
(let* ((xc (pixel-round (contact-width root) 2))
(yc (pixel-round (contact-height root) 2))
(north (< y yc))
(west (< x xc))
(if north
(if west
(if west
(defun find-confirm-sheet (confirm)
(car (composite-children confirm)))
;;; +
;;; Confirm-SHEET contact +
;;; +
(defcontact confirm-sheet (core composite)
(background :initform :parent-relative)
(event-mask :initform #.(make-event-mask :exposure)))
(:documentation "The actual container for confirm component areas."))
;;; +
;;; CONFIRM contact +
;;; +
(defcontact confirm (core core-shell override-shell)
((near :initform nil
:type (or null contact)
:initarg :near
:accessor confirm-near
:documentation "Indicating point or contact of origination")
(cancel-label :initform "Cancel"
:type string
:accessor confirm-cancel-label
:initarg :cancel-label)
;; Internal slots
(points :type (vector window) ;; storage x-near y-near & shadow regions
:initform (make-array 6))
:type (or null int16)
:initform nil)
:type (or null int16)
:initform nil)
(control-default :type (or null contact)
:initform nil))
(save-under :initform :on)
(default-control :initform :accept :type (member :accept :cancel))
(accept-label :type string :initform "OK")
(border-width :initform 1)
(accept-only :type (member :on :off) :initform :off)
(message :initform "Press a button to continue."))
(:documentation "A dialog which presents a simple message."))
(defmethod (setf contact-foreground) :after (new-value (self confirm))
(setf (contact-foreground (car (composite-children self))) new-value))
;; Index values for accessing x-near y-near
(defconstant *x-near* 0)
(defconstant *y-near* 1)
(defun make-confirm (&rest initargs)
"Creates and returns a confirm instance."
(declare (values confirm))
(apply #'make-contact 'confirm initargs))
;;; +
;;; Accessors +
;;; +
(defun find-accept-button (confirm)
(find :accept (composite-children (find-confirm-sheet confirm)) :key 'contact-name))
(defun find-cancel-button (confirm)
(find :cancel (composite-children (find-confirm-sheet confirm)) :key 'contact-name))
(defun find-message-area (confirm)
(find :message (composite-children (find-confirm-sheet confirm)) :key 'contact-name))
(defmethod dialog-default-control ((self confirm))
(with-slots (control-default) self
(contact-name control-default)))
(defmethod (setf dialog-default-control) (new-value (confirm confirm))
(check-type new-value (member :accept :cancel) "one of :ACCEPT or :CANCEL")
(assert (or (eq new-value :accept) (eq (confirm-accept-only confirm) :off)) nil
"No cancel control exists for ~a." confirm)
(with-slots (control-default) confirm
(when control-default
(setf (choice-item-highlight-default-p control-default) nil))
(setf control-default
(find new-value (composite-children (find-confirm-sheet confirm)) :key #'contact-name))
(setf (choice-item-highlight-default-p control-default) t)
(defmethod confirm-accept-only ((self confirm))
(let ((cancel-button (find-cancel-button self)))
(if (and cancel-button (eq :mapped (contact-state cancel-button)))
(defmethod (setf confirm-accept-only) (value (self confirm))
"Set confirm's cancel button to the appropriate setting depending on VALUE.
create the buttons if necessary."
(check-type value switch "one of :ON or :OFF")
(let* ((sheet (find-confirm-sheet self))
(cancel-button (find-cancel-button self)))
(if cancel-button
(setf (contact-state cancel-button)
(if (eq value :on) :withdrawn :mapped))
(when (eq value :off)
(with-slots (cancel-label) self
(add-callback (make-action-button :parent sheet :name :cancel :label cancel-label)
:release 'dialog-cancel self)))))
(defmethod confirm-message ((self confirm))
(display-text-source (find-message-area self)))
(defmethod (setf confirm-message) (string (self confirm))
(setf (display-text-source (find-message-area self)) string))
(defmethod confirm-accept-label ((self confirm))
(button-label (find-accept-button self)))
(defmethod (setf confirm-accept-label) (string (self confirm))
(setf (button-label (find-accept-button self)) string))
(defmethod confirm-cancel-label ((self confirm))
(button-label (find-cancel-button self)))
(defmethod (setf confirm-cancel-label) :after (string (self confirm))
(let ((label (find-cancel-button self)))
(when label (setf (button-label label) string))))
;;; |
;;; Initialization |
;;; |
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self confirm) &key message accept-only accept-label
(default-control :accept) &allow-other-keys)
(with-slots (x y width height near foreground scale) self
(unless near (setq near self))
;; Create the sheet
(let* ((sheet (make-contact 'confirm-sheet :name :sheet
:parent self
:x 0 :y 0
:width width :height height
:border-width 0))
(near-scale (contact-scale near)))
(setf scale (nth (1+ (position near-scale *scales*)) *scales*))
;; Create the message area
(make-display-text :name :message
:parent sheet
:source message
:alignment :center
:x 0 :y 0
:border-width 0)
;; Create buttons for command area
(add-callback (make-action-button :parent sheet :name :accept :label accept-label)
:release 'dialog-accept self)
;; Initialize cancel control if necessary
(setf (confirm-accept-only self) accept-only)
(setf (dialog-default-control self) default-control))))
;;; +
;;; Dialog +
;;; +
(defmethod dialog-accept ((self confirm))
"Invokes :accept callback function and pops down the dialogue"
(setf (contact-state self) :withdrawn)
(apply-callback self :accept)
(defmethod dialog-cancel ((self confirm))
"Invokes :cancel callback function and pops down the dialogue."
(setf (contact-state self) :withdrawn)
(apply-callback self :cancel)
;;; +
;;; Confirm Map : where real work happens +
;;; +
;; If the pointer moves off the Confirm don't warp pointer to Near just leave
;; where the Confirm action button was selected otherwise warp pointer to Near after
;; selecting a Confirm action button.
;; Track the state of pointer position w.r.t Confirm by storing state in internal slot
;; of Confirm (ie. Did it stay on the Confirm the whole time or did it move off the Confirm?).
(defun calculate-upper-shadow-vertices (points x y gravity right-edge bottom-edge)
"Determine the two sets of points for drawing the upper triangular shadow"
(case gravity
(setf (svref points 2) x (svref points 3) y (svref points 4) (+ 3 right-edge) (svref points 5) y))
(setf (svref points 2) x (svref points 3) y (svref points 4) right-edge (svref points 5) (1- y)))
(setf (svref points 2) x (svref points 3) y (svref points 4) x (svref points 5) (+ bottom-edge 1)))
(setf (svref points 2) (+ right-edge 2)
(svref points 3) (+ 2 bottom-edge) (svref points 4) (+ right-edge 2) (svref points 5) y))))
(defun calculate-lower-shadow-vertices (points x y gravity right-edge bottom-edge)
"Determine the two sets of points for drawing the lower triangular shadow"
(case gravity
(setf (svref points 2) (+ right-edge 2)
(svref points 3) y (svref points 4) (+ right-edge 2) (svref points 5) bottom-edge))
(setf (svref points 2) x (svref points 3) (1- y) (svref points 4) x (svref points 5) bottom-edge))
(setf (svref points 2) (1- x)
(svref points 3) (+ bottom-edge 1) (svref points 4) right-edge (svref points 5) (+ bottom-edge 2)))
(setf (svref points 2) x
(svref points 3) (+ 2 bottom-edge) (svref points 4) (+ 2 right-edge) (svref points 5) (+ 2 bottom-edge)))))
(defun draw-confirm-triangular-shadows (confirm root x y width height points gravity)
"Draw two triangular shadows originating from NEAR given the calculated vertices"
(proclaim '(inline calculate-shadows-vertices ))
((images (getf *confirm-shadow-images* gravity))
(upper-image (getf images :upper))
(lower-image (getf images :lower))
(bottom-edge (+ y height))
(right-edge (+ x width)))
(calculate-upper-shadow-vertices points x y gravity right-edge bottom-edge)
(gcontext :drawable root
:background (contact-current-background-pixel confirm)
:foreground (screen-black-pixel (contact-screen root))
:fill-style :opaque-stippled
:stipple (contact-image-mask root upper-image :depth 1)
:subwindow-mode :include-inferiors
(draw-lines root gcontext points :fill-p t :shape :complex)
(calculate-lower-shadow-vertices points x y gravity right-edge bottom-edge)
(with-gcontext (gcontext :stipple (contact-image-mask root lower-image :depth 1))
(draw-lines root gcontext points :fill-p t :shape :complex)))))
(defmethod shell-mapped ((self confirm))
"Recomputes x and y given NEAR and invokes :initialize callback function."
(with-slots (near height width points previous-pointer-x previous-pointer-y control-default)
(unless (eq self near)
(multiple-value-bind (x-near y-near)
(contact-translate near
(pixel-round (contact-width near) 2);; Use center point of near
(pixel-round (contact-height near) 2))
(setf (svref points *x-near*) x-near)
(setf (svref points *y-near*) y-near)
(let* ((root (contact-root self))
(gravity (quadrant-gravity x-near y-near root))
(apex (getf *confirm-apex-dimensions* (contact-scale self)))
(root-width (contact-width root))
(root-height (contact-height root)))
;; Set Confirm's X and Y w.r.t originating contact
(multiple-value-bind (x y)
(case gravity
(values (- x-near apex width)
(+ y-near apex)))
(values (+ x-near apex)
(+ y-near apex)))
(values (+ x-near apex)
(- y-near apex height)))
(values (- x-near apex width)
(- y-near apex height))))
;; If CONFIRM will be clipped, compensate
;; and adjust x and y of CONFIRM
(let ((adjusted-x (min (max x 0) (- root-width width)))
(adjusted-y (min (max y 0) (- root-height height))))
(change-geometry self
:x adjusted-x
:y adjusted-y
;; Turn near's sensitivity off
(setf (contact-sensitive near) :off))))))
(apply-callback self :map)
(apply-callback self :initialize)
;; Store position for pointer unwarping later....
(previous-pointer-x previous-pointer-y) (pointer-position self))
(pixel-round (contact-width control-default) 2)
(- (contact-height control-default) 2))))
(defmethod display ((manager confirm-sheet)
&optional exposed-x exposed-y exposed-width exposed-height &key)
(declare (ignore exposed-x exposed-y exposed-height exposed-width))
(proclaim '(inline draw-confirm-triangular-shadows))
(with-slots (width height x y points)
(contact-parent manager)
(let ((root (contact-root manager)))
manager root
x y width height points
(quadrant-gravity (svref points *x-near*) (svref points *y-near*) root))))
(with-slots (width height foreground)
(using-gcontext (gcontext :drawable manager :foreground foreground :Subwindow-mode :include-inferiors)
(draw-rectangle manager gcontext 3 3 (- width 7) (- height 7)))))
(defevent confirm :leave-notify pointer-off-confirm)
(defmethod pointer-off-confirm ((self confirm))
(with-slots (previous-pointer-x) self
(setf previous-pointer-x nil)))
(defun calculate-reexposed-areas (confirm root)
"Determine two rectangular areas encompassing the triangular shadows drawn by confirm"
(with-slots (x y width height near points)
(let* (
(apex (getf *confirm-apex-dimensions* (contact-scale confirm)))
(x-near (svref points *x-near*))
(y-near (svref points *y-near*))
(right-edge (+ x width))
(bottom-edge (+ y height))
(gravity (quadrant-gravity x-near y-near root))
(case gravity
x (- y apex) width apex
right-edge (- y apex) apex (+ height apex))
x-near y-near apex (+ height apex)
x (- y apex) width apex)
(- x apex) y apex (+ height apex)
x bottom-edge width apex)
x bottom-edge width apex
right-edge y apex (+ height apex)))))))
(defun reexpose-overshadowed-area (confirm root near)
"Refresh the root area that confirm overshadowed"
(proclaim '(inline calculate-reexposed-areas))
(multiple-value-bind (area1-x area1-y area1-width area1-height
area2-x area2-y area2-width area2-height)
(calculate-reexposed-areas confirm root)
(refresh root :x area1-x :y area1-y :width area1-width :height area1-height)
(with-slots (sensitive) near
(setq sensitive :on))
(refresh root :x area2-x :y area2-y :width area2-width :height area2-height)))
(defmethod shell-unmapped :before ((self confirm))
(proclaim '(inline reexpose-overshadowed-area))
(with-slots (points near previous-pointer-x previous-pointer-y)
(unless (eq self near)
;; Erase shadow.
(reexpose-overshadowed-area self (contact-root self) near)
;; Unwarp pointer to original position, if necessary.
(when previous-pointer-x
(warp-pointer self previous-pointer-x previous-pointer-y)))))
;;; +
;;; Geometry Management +
;;; +
(defmethod change-layout ((self confirm-sheet) &optional newly-managed)
;;The idea here is to make the accept and cancel buttons be separated by the
;;standard horizontal spacing, and then centered within the sheet. The standard
;;vertical spacing will be enforced between the bottom edge of the taller button
;;and the edge of the message.
;;Force the message area to be the smaller of its preferred size or the space remaining
;;(allowing for horizontal/vertical margins). Center it within the remaining space.
(declare (ignore newly-managed))
(with-slots (width height children parent) self
(let* ((accept-button (find-accept-button parent))
(cancel-button (find-cancel-button parent))
(message-area (find-message-area parent))
(abw (contact-border-width accept-button))
(awidth (+ abw abw (contact-width accept-button)))
(aheight (+ abw abw (contact-height accept-button)))
(screen (contact-screen self))
(pixel (getf *dialog-point-spacing* (contact-scale self)))
(hspace (point-pixels screen pixel :horizontal))
(vspace (point-pixels screen pixel :vertical))
rbw rwidth rheight button-x button-y)
;;Figure out where buttons should go. Make their top edges align.
(if (eq (confirm-accept-only (contact-parent self)) :on)
(setf button-y (- height aheight vspace)
button-x (floor (- width awidth) 2))
(move accept-button button-x button-y)
(setf rbw (contact-border-width cancel-button)
rwidth (+ rbw rbw (contact-width cancel-button))
rheight (+ rbw rbw (contact-height cancel-button))
button-y (- height (+ (max aheight rheight) vspace 3))
button-x (floor (- width (+ awidth rwidth hspace 3)) 2))
(with-state (accept-button)
(move accept-button button-x button-y)
(incf button-x (+ awidth hspace))
(with-state (cancel-button)
(move cancel-button button-x button-y)
(IF (or (zerop width) (zerop height) ) ; not initialized...
(multiple-value-bind (p-width p-height)
(preferred-size self)
(change-geometry self :width p-width :height p-height :accept-p t))
;; else...
;;Make message-area fit within space remaining
(with-state (message-area)
(let ((new-width (max 1
(- width hspace hspace)
(new-height (max 1 (- button-y vspace vspace)))
(resize message-area
new-width ;;use 1 as a lower bound to prevent
new-height ;;width/height sizing errors
;;Center message-area within space remaining.
;;Don't have to worry about it's border-width since it's guaranteed
;;to be zero by the previous call to RESIZE.
(move message-area
(max hspace (floor (- width (contact-width message-area)) 2))
(max vspace (floor (- (contact-y accept-button) (contact-height message-area)) 2)))))
(defmethod resize :after ((self confirm-sheet) width height border-width)
(declare (ignore width height border-width))
(change-layout self))
(defmethod manage-geometry ((self confirm-sheet) (child contact)
x y width height border-width &key)
(let (success-p)
(multiple-value-bind (p-w p-h p-b-w)
(preferred-size self)
(if (or
(/= p-w (contact-width self))
(/= p-h (contact-height self))
(and width (/= width (contact-width child)))
(and height (/= height (contact-height child)))
(setf success-p #'(lambda (self)
(progn (change-geometry self
:width p-w
:height p-h
:border-width p-b-w
:accept-p t)
(change-layout self))))
(setf success-p t)))
(values success-p
(or x (contact-x child))
(or y (contact-y child))
(or width (contact-width child))
(or height (contact-height child))
(or border-width (contact-border-width child)))))
(defmethod preferred-size ((self confirm-sheet) &key width height border-width)
(declare (ignore width height border-width))
(with-slots (children parent) self
(let* ((accumulated-width 0)
(highest 0)
(apply-button (find-accept-button parent))
(cancel-button (find-cancel-button parent))
(message-area (find-message-area parent))
(screen (contact-screen self))
(pixel (getf *dialog-point-spacing* (contact-scale self)))
(hspace (point-pixels screen pixel :horizontal))
(vspace (point-pixels screen pixel :vertical)))
;;Find out how much space the buttons will need.
;;Remember: buttons are in a row, so we're interested in combined width
;; and the maximum height
(multiple-value-bind (pwidth1 pheight1 pbw1)
(preferred-size apply-button)
(setf accumulated-width (+ pwidth1 pbw1 pbw1)
highest (+ pheight1 pbw1 pbw1))
(when (eq (confirm-accept-only (contact-parent self)) :off)
(multiple-value-bind (pwidth2 pheight2 pbw2)
(preferred-size cancel-button)
(setf accumulated-width (+ accumulated-width hspace pwidth2 pbw2 pbw2)
highest (max highest (+ pheight2 pbw2 pbw2))))))
;;We can ignore the preferred border-width because confirm-sheet
;;geometry management forces a zero-width border.
(multiple-value-bind (pwidth pheight)
;; Use width/height 0 to request minimum text extent size.
(preferred-size message-area :width 0 :height 0)
(values (+ (max pwidth accumulated-width) hspace hspace 6)
(+ pheight highest vspace vspace vspace 6)
;;; +
;;; WITH-CONFIRM Using cached confirms +
;;; +
(defmacro top-level-confirms (top)
"A list of confirm contacts associated with TOP."
`(getf (window-plist ,top) :confirm-cache))
(defun confirm-p (&rest initargs &key near &allow-other-keys)
"Bind a confirm to the given initargs either by allocating one from
the confirm cache if one exists or instantiate one"
(assert near () "A :near initarg was not provided for CONFIRM-P")
(let* ((near-scale (contact-scale near))
(top-level (contact-top-level near))
(background (getf initargs :background))
(confirm (pop (top-level-confirms top-level)))
(display (contact-display near)))
(setf background
(if background
(convert near background '(or (member :none :parent-relative) pixel pixmap))
(contact-current-background-pixel top-level)))
(if confirm
(let ((foreground (getf initargs :foreground))
(accept-label (getf initargs :accept-label))
(cancel-label (getf initargs :cancel-label))
(accept-only (getf initargs :accept-only))
(message (getf initargs :message))
(near (getf initargs :near))
(default-control (getf initargs :default-control)))
(setf (contact-background confirm) background)
(setf (contact-foreground confirm)
(convert near
(or foreground :black)
'(or (member :none :parent-relative) pixel pixmap)))
(setf (confirm-accept-label confirm)
(if accept-label
(convert near accept-label 'string)
(setf (confirm-accept-only confirm)
(if accept-only
(convert near accept-only '(member :on :off))
(setf (confirm-cancel-label confirm)
(if cancel-label
(convert near cancel-label 'string)
(setf (confirm-message confirm)
(if message
(convert near message 'string)
"Press a button to continue."))
(setf (confirm-near confirm) near)
(setf (dialog-default-control confirm)
(if default-control
(convert near default-control '(member :accept :cancel))
(setf (contact-scale confirm)
(nth (1+ (position near-scale *scales*)) *scales*)))
(setf confirm
:parent top-level
:background background
:scale near-scale
:callbacks `((:accept (,#'(lambda () (throw :exit-confirm t))))
(:cancel (,#'(lambda () (throw :exit-confirm nil)))))
(setf (contact-state confirm) :mapped)
(catch :exit-confirm
(loop (process-next-event display)))
(push confirm (top-level-confirms top-level)))))
(defmethod present-dialog ((confirm confirm) &key x y button state)
(declare (type (or card16 null) x y)
(type (or (member :button-1 :button-2 :button-3 :button-4 :button-5) null) button)
(type (or mask16 null) state))
(declare (ignore button state x y))
(setf (contact-state confirm) :mapped))